Make sure you are spending your marketing dollars efficiently. Here are 3 of the biggest mistakes marketing agencies make. My plan is to educate you on these 3 big mistakes to keep your marketing agency accountable for getting the goals you have set. These tips will also make your brand look better. Get ready to take notes!

#1 Posting Stale Content

Have you been victimized by your social media manager creating posts like:
“Hello Spring. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend.
Goodbye winter/Hello Spring ”

…and that’s all they say? Make sure you pull up your email and tell them, “Stop now!” These posts do nothing for your brand. Most likely your marketing agency has promised you “x” amount of posts per week and this wastes your money.

Stale content does not encourage engagement, does not lead your followers to act, and definitely does not share information about your brand.

You can still welcome in weather, months, and all the happiness; but make sure it is relevant. Let’s say a landscaping company is welcoming new clients as spring approaches. You can post a picture of going through a client quoting process. Share what the process is like, and how to set an appointment.

Big red flag:
There are some marketing agencies that keep track of all posts they post throughout the year and will repost the same stale content on the same day the following year. Keep track to make sure your social media is keeping up with the times, increasing engagement, and hitting the goals you set.

#2 Hashtag Loading on Facebook

A lot of marketing agencies still use a ton of hashtags on Facebook, if they do, they are not continuing their social media marketing education—which can be detrimental to your brand.

There is nothing worse than your client scrolling through their feed to see your post full of 30 hashtags that are not relevant to the business or topic. They will completely disengage from your content and scroll right passed it. No one wants to be spammed, and hashtag loading is not a strategy to increase engagement.

That being said, hashtags are a great search tool- done correctly. Slick Raven rarely uses hashtags unless they fit within these top examples: current events, trending, humor or sarcasm; product or branding, challenge, and conversation starters. We also take the time to research our hashtags, see how they are performing, and determine if they fit with the brand and topic.

#3 Not resizing images for platforms.

A huge mistake marketing agencies make is treating all social media platforms the same. This includes not resizing images for platforms. Is this picture above trying to say, “pen” or, “open”?

It is easy to resize to the appropriate specs. If you are paying someone to do your social media and your graphics are running off the page, they are wasting your money.

Not resizing images appropriately creates an eye sore on your Instagram feed. We make sure our graphics are sized correctly; have more visuals than words, and try to use as many photos of our client’s company as stock images we find.

The Big Takeaway

I hope you took notes on these 3 biggest mistakes marketing agencies can make on your social media. It is your brand, make sure you are portrayed as you want to be through all social media outlets. Ensure your marketing dollars are spent wisely and make sure you are getting the results of your goals.

Has your marketing agency made these 3 mistakes? Fill out our contact form and receive a free marketing audit when you mention this blog.